Realizing the possibilities for economies and conveying knowledge with regard to water saving technologies as well as their putting into practice are the crucial factors when dealing with water in industry.
As soon as efficiency is ensured all potentials can be used. Water management has to expose the potentials of economies, elaborate the most profitable solutions and mediate the know how necessary for the optimized water circulation of an enterprise.
The water circulation of an industrial organization is a factor which should not be underestimated as far as its costs are concerned and it is moreover expected to play a more and more important role in the future.
Future Orientation - Sustainability
In this way we are able to contribute to promising prospects for the future of a production enterprise and to work out several advantages in comparison to other candidates as to costs and image.
Status Quo
Most of the time water is assumed to be available always and to an unlimited amount for industrial enterprises. Therefore the many costs occuring when working with water are often not taken into account. However, when dealing with water, there is nevertheless a considerable economic potential - on the ecological sector as well as on the economical.
The goals water management intends to pursue basically consist in achieving economies through some modifications concerning the water circulation of an enterprise (which are not merely economies as to costs but also include a reduction of pollutants and the preseverance, protection and careful treatment of ressources) and further by the replacement of water wasting processes through technologies minimizing pollutants.